Chelcy’s Story: Losing My Uterus to Keep My Life.
In September 2016, I married my sweet husband! We wanted to wait about a year to try to start a family. Once we began trying, I realized something was not right. My cycles were extremely long and we needed to go through infertility specialists as I was not ovulating....
Nicole’s Story: Birth Trauma and Postpartum Rage
There’s something about ptsd that makes you think it’s not that bad - and then it is. “My trauma wasn’t that traumatic” repeats constantly through my head, and then I’ll have flashback nightmares that remind me just how terrifying it was. Nightmares that make me...
Annie’s Story: Dying While Birthing In a Pandemic
I was induced at 39 weeks pregnant on Sunday, March 22nd, 2020. That was 11 days after Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic, 9 days after it was declared a national emergency, and 2 days after the first stay at home order in the States was issued. At that point in...