Callahan’s Birth Story: Three Perspectives
During my initial collapse on the 17th, everyone has their individual perspectives because they were all in different places. The timing of my AFE made it so that people were preparing to meet the baby, so they were already at the hospital or on their way there. The...
Callahan’s Birth Story: Part 4
Callahan's Birth Story: Part 4 July 17th Around 3pm they took me from the OR to Interventional Radiology where they attempted to embolize my uterine arteries in hopes of slowing the blood loss from my uterus. As they were taking me to IR they noticed my abdomen had...
Callahan’s Birth Story: Part 3
Callahan's Birth Story: Part 3 July 17th By the next morning, I was at 7cm and by 11am I was at 9cm. The only issue was that Callahan was facing sunny side up which is a more difficult position to deliver, so they were attempting to get him to turn. At around 12:30 my...