Megan’s Story: Two Births, Two Very Different Traumas
My First Birth My older son was born in October of 2018. I went to the hospital a few days past 40 weeks, with very minor contractions, but because I had contractions 1 minute in length, 5 minutes apart, for 3 hours, I figured it was time to go in. I was 2cm when I...
Leah’s Story: The Trauma of The Unexplained and Unexpected
Unexplained Infertility My son’s birth story begins in Spring of 2017. My husband and I had been married for one year and had no real plans for having children. I went to my OBGYN for a check-up because I had been experiencing stomach pains during my monthly...
Lacey’s Story: Barely Surviving COVID-19 in Pregnancy
To begin, my first child’s birth in 2016 was very hard back labor and recovery. My husband and I waited 3 years to try again. We had conversations with our doctor to prepare and plan support. We researched a different hospital close to home. We prayed for a different...